Pros and Cons to be considered while choosing Self Storage Software

June 24, 2021 | Team StoRegister
Pros and Cons of Self Storage Software

Today, there are ample number of On-Premises and Cloud based Software solutions in the market and business owners have a handful of choices to choose one among them. It is incredibly important for any self storage operators to choose the best suitable software and its pretty difficult task for operators to make the right decision.

Here are few deciding factors for the Business Owner to consider while choosing a self storage management software:

  1. Your Problem Statement
  2. Don't get trapped
  3. List your pre-requisites for the software need
  4. Make a Wishlist
  5. Discover your Budget for the Software Solution
  6. Data Security
  7. Convenience
  8. Free Trials, Trainings and Online Tutorials (Video or Textual)
  9. User Experience
  10. Technical Support
  11. Finally decide

Your Problem Statement

Before you go hunting for self storage management software, try asking the below questions to yourself

  • What is the need for Self Storage Management Software?
  • What is the need for the software solution for your business?
  • What's are the problems your business is going through today?
  • Will the Software solution help you overcome the problem?

Don't just adopt a software tool for the sake of it because you know the role it has in your business. You should have encountered some manual operational difficulties for which you might need to have a software solution to overcome those difficulties. Differentiate your requirements between "must-have features" and "nice-to-have features" before looking for a suitable software solution.

Don't trap in monopoly?

On a very high note, try not to trap yourslef in this situation. Choose a software that doesn't put you in a position of mandatory when it comes to add-on services and third party integrations like Access Control System, Payment Gateway, Accounting Solutions, Call Centre, etc. You deserve to opt for add-on services and your favourite thrid-party apps at your own interest.

Similarly, it is also equally important to choose your preferred thrid-party solutions that is capable to interface with any management software. Choosing a cost affordable third party is wise but need to see where it is scalable when you expand in the future.

List your pre-requisites for the software need

Be clear of your need!! There are handful of software solution providers in the market however, it is vital to find a solution provider that meet your requirement viz key features, cost, security and user experience. Making a decision in terms of software is not that easy like before so business operators need to take reasonable time to evaluate the tool and its services before making an inquiry.

Make a Wishlist

Are you yet to make the list for potential software vendors who possibly can be right fit for your business? Since the self storage software has a key role in your business, make sure that it meets your "must-have features" in first place which will help you overcome your current problems. Keep in mind, other possible factors "nice-to-have features" which can help you scales up your business and compete with your competitors in the market. Also, don't forget to check whether the software tool is compatible to manage your business in your local area.

Discover your Budget for the Software Solution

After scrutiny make a Wishlist of the software vendors, compare the features and cost for their services. Most of the software costs you for what you use. But before debating on the cost, consider whether the software is flexible to adapt to your business when you expand, integrates with other third-party solutions and most importantly, the value it adds to your business.

Certainly, the choice of choosing the software solution should not be specific to a feature or the cost. Look for a robust software that benefits you overcome your current issues, give you the scope of business growth and respond quickly to resolve if any technical.

Data Security

It is obvious that your next question should be about the data security? It is most important that you need to know what level of security measures have been considered by the software service providers while building the tool, how it handles the employees' access to the application and how it can protect from unauthorised access to the application.


Unlike the on-premises software, the most incredible cloud-based solution is more convenient for the users to access the application using devices like PCs, Laptop, Tablets or mobiles from anywhere in the world with the power of internet

Today with the advancement in technology, Self Storage Operators are not required to visit the facility daily to manage their business. Remote management is widely used in the industry especially during this pandemic, cloud based self storage software gives the most convenient way to manage your business even while on vacation.

Free Trials, Trainings and Online Tutorials (Video or Textual)

Before making a decision, it is vital that you get hands-on experience on the application. Many reputed software providers offer free trials, online training sessions and quick reference tutorials (video or textual) to help users to navigate through the application.

User Experience

Most of the self storage software is loaded with industry specific features and functionalities but user experience is something very much essential when you consider a solution. Easy navigation, graphical representation of the features makes the user interact with application smoothly.

Technical Support

Technical support is a must wanted service for users as they might face difficulty in navigating through the application initially or for any technical assistance. But service providers offering 24/7 support cannot be the only criteria for choosing a software solution. Few cloud-based software providers like Microsoft, Google, etc not really offer 24/7 support which cannot be considered as service providers incapability because they build software which does not really need a support team to assist the users. Similarly, StoRegister though offer 24/7 support but believes in offering "self-service" self storage management software should itself allow users to navigate themselves through the application with most friendly user interface. As long as the application has clear architecture and streamlined features, users can work on the application without any hassle.

Finally decide

After going through all the level of scrutiny, choose a software which gives you the confidence of adding value to your business for long term because it is the most difficult task to switch between software. So, you make a decision which can bridge the gap between your current operational difficulties and future scope of business growth.